My Brother
My Mom & Dad
Don't forget
Shawn's Birthday!
December 11, 1994
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Auntie N
Grandma & More
Hey look... I lost my
FIRST tooth.
August 2000
Back off! 
Don't be pickin' a fight with ME!
Easter 2001
Aunt Sarah and I have LOTS of work to do on THIS one!  She's mom's sister!
Oh Boy!
Was this ever a fun day.
You just gotta love
Here I am at my school, last fall.
Daddy got to come
and he took our pictures!  Look how tall I am already!
This is me when I was just a tiny baby. 
My Great Great Grandma Inez is holding me. 
My dad used to stay part of the summer at their house in Rolfe, Iowa when he was a young boy and he says that was
REALLY livin'!